Vector search engine to power AI applications

SaaS solution to make vector-based candidate retrieval easy without setting up and managing infra

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Our core features

Vectorstore is a managed service to power vector search in AI applications (i.e. recommendation and image retrieval) by storing, managing and indexing vectors and metadata (i.e. image category being shoe). Customers just need to prepare vectors and don't need to set up & manage infra. This way, customers can focus on the business use cases.

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Vector search query

Provide low latency (in MS) vector search query to find similar candidates for a variety of AI applications

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Metadata filtering

Filtering vector search based on metadata, like only find similar images with image category being shoe.

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Near-realtime index

Stream index vectors and metadata to support critical use cases, like out-stock items in e-commerce

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Managed solution

Scale and manage infra accordingly to reduce operational burden on customers' teams.

Ready to superpower your business?

Service API Reference